Wednesday, January 15

King Cake...Ka-ching!

I got the coin in the King Cake! Along with the possibility of heavy metal poisoning (note the pretty green oxidizing surrounding the coin)  I guess it signifies wealth a-comin' at me in the new year! I'm just grateful I did not break a score! Except, it's a Euro. So I can't actually spend it, dang! Is this some kind of sneaky zen koan?

Here is the cake before it was cut up, a real beauty made by my friend Helen. And it was delicious too (once the coin-y and bean-y bits were excised!) King Cakes often have pastel colored icing or bright sugar toppings, but Helen is an artist as well as a natural foods enthusiast so she went her own way with this, to great effect. Here's a recipe for anyone interested:

1 comment:

Sonya Mann said...

I am also glad you didn't break a tooth! The King Cake is beautiful and looks delicious.